What's new in Arabic Editor Pro 6.0
Enhanced the user interface for the program.
Added new customisable themes.
Enhanced the look and layout of the virtual keyboard.
Improved the edit keyboard user interface.
Improved the page setup.
Advanced the way of displaying the Arabic diacretic marks.
Added a new border style.
What's new in Arabic Editor Pro 5.5
Added auto colour selection for the text and accents.
Added auto type of Hamza with the letters Alef and Waw for the QWERTY keyboard.
Added an option to display the inserted image in full size by default.
Added an option to assign the letters' colour to the Hamza.
Improved the general settings of the program.
Enhanced the way of displaying the Arabic Text.
Resolved the issue of copy and paste Circle digits.
New features in Arabic Editor Pro 5.0
Added support for inserting pictures into the document.
Added support for back ground image and Textures.
Added Image frames to the software, allowing the user to add any frame to the document.
Added support for writing the Arabic diacritic Kasire under the Shaddah.
Added customised colour option to the colours selection window.
Enhanced the way of displaying the Arabic Text.
Added an option to print a guidance frame around the page.
New features in Arabic Editor Pro 4.5
Added extra 4 new Arabic fonts
Added extended keyboard which supports all Quranic Symbols.
Added 2 new functions allowing you to hide all the accents of the text or just showing the last Accents of each word.
Enhanced the search engine. Now it can find the words even if they have different accents (Harakat Altshkeel) in the text.
Added the Justify Text function to the Text.
Improved the way of colouring the frames.
Enhanced the method of decreasing the gap between the lines.