Urdu Editor supports both Urdu Windows keyboard and Phonetic keyboard which makes typing Urdu very easy.

Urdu Editor allows you to configure the keyboard layout according to your choice

Display the keyboard

Configuring the keyboard

Display the keyboard

You can display the keyboard by using one of the following methods :


1. By using the ToolBar.
Click on the icon Keyboard
to display the keyboard. If you wish to hide the keyboard then click on the same icon again.


2. By using the Keyboard . Press on Ctrl + K display the keyboard and Ctrl + Q to hide the keyboard.


3.By using the Right Button Mouse. Click Right button Mouse then select Keyboard.


4. By using the Menu. From the main Menu go to Keyboard then Select desired keyboard to display.


Configuring the keyboard


You can easily configure the keyboard layout according to your choice by using the Edit Phonetic Keyboard Dialog.

The Edit Phonetic Keyboard Dialog can be called up by using one of the following methods :


1. By using the Menu. From the main Menu go to Keyboard then Select Edit Phonetic Keyboard .


2. By clicking on the icon Edit keyboard of On Screen Keyboard.


Configuring the keyboard by using the Edit Phonetic Keyboard Dialog is quite easy. All you need is to use the available keys in the bottom of the dialog. For more information on how to use the Edit Phonetic Keyboard click here
